Our friendly team is excited to meet you! We make it our mission to provide quality dental care in Whittier, California, for your entire family. Give us a call at 562-943-0234 today to schedule your appointment with our dentist, Dr. Marianne Tanios, or one of our dental specialists and learn more about the services we provide. We look forward to helping you and your family care for your smiles!
Compassionate Care, Expert Smiles

Dental Assistant
Joanna is our lead dental assistant. Joanna has been a dental assistant for close to a decade now. With her extensive dental experience, Joanna makes sure that your dental visits are as comfortable and painless as possible. Feel free to call us today schedule your next dental visit!

Dental Assistant
Samantha is our sweet dental assistant. Samantha has a calm and relaxing demeanor to her that makes you feel so comfortable at your dental visit. With her dental experience, Samantha makes sure that your dental visits are as comfortable and painless as possible. Feel free to call us today to schedule your next dental visit!